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Managing Burnout or Creativity?

Over the years I've noticed some of my best ideas have come from simply taking conscious moments to think randomly & purposefully on a topic at hand. why are we allowing ourselves to burnout or come close to burning out? As I sat writing this piece one late evening, I couldn't think of any other reason but the fact that sometimes we:

  1. Are soo caught up with 'work' we FORGET how to take a creative break!

  2. Can't FIND 'the TIME' to take a break or think creatively

  3. Don't think we are 'creative'! (PS: Everyone has a creative bone!)

If there is another reason you've experienced, do share! :) 

So, which do you prefer, and which are you literally doing right now?

Managing your teams' and your own:

  1. Burnout and the effects of same OR

  2. Creativity time and enjoying the wins and learnings that comes with it

Tough question that demands honesty and some reflection of what's happening in your space.

I choose Creativity Time Management any day! :)

One of my best used ways to begin improving 'creative skills' is by taking conscious 'reflection breaks' during work. It's a simple task of allowing your mind to wonder, think, ponder, on what you are working on and how it applies to a bigger picture. Simply taking a regular break involving thinking of 'nothing' or 'randomness' can work very well also.

The Michigan State University highlighted in their 'Breaks During the Workday' article some of the many benefits of 'breaks' such as:

  • Increases creativity, job satisfaction & productivity

  • Improves mental health and well-being

  • “Rest” ...improves learning

  • Employees feel more valued by their organization and supervisor if they promote taking breaks

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