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The Caribbean & CX Day

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

'Experience' Management has been undergoing a bit of growth and recognition within the Caribbean over the last 10 years. A region not just known for our sunny skies and island beauty but for the warmth of our people. Given this, we're sharing our top 3 considerations as you prepare for CX Day this year! Suitable for beginners or seniors in the field :)

1. Define/Review what CX/EX means to your Company

We are currently conducting an Employee Experience: The Caribbean Perspective 2021-2022 survey and it is vivid that whilst some are unaware of what these terms mean for their companies, there are others who define this quite differently. (If you would like to take part in this survey, email us at

The unique descriptions provided within the survey data shares a bit of where different companies journeys are at in the 'Experience Management' space. Nevertheless, it's always best to ensure all team members are aware of what EX/CX means to your unique company as it blends into what they do at work each day. Therefore, defining this and making it, at minimum, accessible for your staff's knowledge is recommended.

2. Define/Review your internal CX/EX support structure

CX is a growing field in the Caribbean and we possess similar, and our very own unique CX & EX challenges, given that our culture and businesses are unique. As such your CX/EX team should be evaluated for its success and adjustments made to find the best combination of people and tools to drive your CX/EX strategies.

Having a structure that is inclusive of team members with the following knowledge, backgrounds or experiences can be very beneficial: Experience Management, Business, Finance, Sociology, Marketing, Information Technology and Human Resources. This allows for a true cross-functional approach that propels the business impact of the CX/EX strategy.

"Along with adaptability, a key advantage to cross-functional teams is the enhanced access to resources, such as diverse perspectives, broader skill sets, and new ideas", according to research conducted by Deloitte in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management Review.

Read more snippets of that research in the Deloitte article "Teaming your way through disruption".

3. Celebrate your Teams & Your Customers

As the old adage goes EX=CX! & Given that you should always capitalise on an opportunity to share praise and recognition for staff and customers, doing so on CX day is just as wonderful! i.e recognition of your teams who all put together the bits and pieces that makes your company run, and of course deliver your evolving CX strategy.

For your customers it can be recognition of their successes (depending on the type of services you provide e.g. Coaching) and even sharing a sneak peak of whats to come (product or services they've been asking for). Think deeply and personalise your customers/clients/employees appreciation notes as much as possible!

Last call to action! Have you noticed the use of CX/EX ? It's intentional as we 100% recognise employees as a customer on 'CX' Day! Remember, one of our biggest drivers in our company's success are our employees. So, let's dig deep and also prioritise our employees on CX Day!

For details on how you can elevate your HR team's success with employees through our virtual SHRM recognised learning modules or your CX/EX Teams with manageable customer insights, reach out to us via

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